Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time Management Skills : Nonexistent.

I haven't read much this week, in fact, I've read a total of 22 pages, oops. I keep meaning to read, I really do! I actually really enjoy reading The Kite Runner because it so different from anything that I've read before. It is interesting and very well written in my opinion. The reason I have not stuck my nose in it lately is simply because I have no time to. Between my seven classes (three of which are AP), soccer practice/games everyday, homework, household chores, and work, I don't have time to sit down and enjoy the book. I feel stressed beyond belief and stupid for not taking a study hall this year! On top of all that, thinking I'd be fine getting an after school/soccer job was just ridiculous. I thought I could handle the work load this year, and now I am getting daily headaches as a result. Can headaches even be stressed induced? If not, I have no clue what is causing all of these awful headaches.

Also, I must admit that I am not a big fan of these required blogs. All I really do when I blog is rant about random stuff that nobody really wants to read, but I have nothing else to write about and I've got to get my 600 word quota in by Friday. So in all honestly, it is a lose-lose situation. I don't want to write this, and nobody wants to read this. So whats the point?

1 comment:

  1. Your responses to TKR have been interesting, so you might be surprised what people want to read. One way I like to think about writing brief, casual responses to what I read is to think of them as ways to anchor what I've read in my head in some way--if we don't make something concrete out of what we read, what we read often kind of floats away, never to be recalled again. That's one way I think about it, at least.
