Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Should Probably Blog

I started a new book this week called Whistling in the Dark. I'm not sure if I'm going to like it or not yet. I'm still in the "oh my gosh The Kite Runner was so great phase" if that makes any sense to you at all. Have you ever read a book you like so well that the next book you read pales in comparison? Well I think that's what I'm going through. Or maybe I just need to give Whistling in the Dark more of a chance. It could potentially be a good book. I haven't gotten far in it yet, but so far it's about a little girl and her sister. Their father dies, and her mom remarries a guy they hate, and they have to move into the city. So far, I'm not too found of the mother. The first few pages in the mom was talking about how you can tell all about a person just from his or her last name. Crazy judgmental right? Yeah that's what I thought too. And the girls' stepfather seems to be an asshole. A real big jerk. He's acting like their new 'daddy' and acts like he has every right to boss them around. In my opinion, he is stepping on some major toes, 1: because he has dated their mother for all of a month, and 2: because he is not their father, or anything near father material. So pretty much he is a jerk. The end.

Side note: I applied to Ball State today!!! I still have to write an essay for Purdue, but hopefully I get that done soon! Eeek, I hope I get accepted!

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