Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I hate being guilt tripped into things. Especially into things that I really don't want to do. Usually, I don't allow myself to get pulled into things, I'm actually pretty stubborn. But I was guilt tripped by a sweet old lady to ref a couple soccer games on Saturday, when I was planning to go shopping instead, and needless to say, I'm fricken ticked! I hate reffing, and my mom said I could stop reffing when I  got another job, which I did. I was planning on never reffing ever again (never happened, my mom made me keep on reffing anyway, can you say hypocrite much?) Then my dad tells the referee assignor that I can ref on Saturday. The referee assignor happens to be a nice old lady that nobody can say no to, and she pulled a major guilt trip on me. It was so unfair. So much for my strong sense of willpower and stubbornness.

Talking about stubbornness reminds me of Troo, a girl in a book that I'm reading right now. She wouldn't be guilt tripped into anything! Her evil stepfather, Hall, hit her three times trying to get her to cry, which she never did. She wouldn't give anybody the satisfaction of seeing her cry, talk about willpower! Troo also always get her way no matter what. Along with being stubborn, she is also very manipulative. It kind of scares me to be honest!

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