Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett and have finished Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen

Sentences of the quarter:
1.) "No matter how poor we are," Mother said, backing into the parking space in front of Shuster's Shoes up on North Avenue, "we still need shoes." She winked at us. "They're important to our souls." (Whistling in the Dark)
     Well, I LOVE SHOES so this sentence is self-explanatory. I spend too much money on shoes and I have a lot a shoes, some would say I have too many, but that is a false statement. You can't have too many pairs of shoes.

2.) "Children aren't coloring books. You can't fill them with your favorite colors" (The Kite Runner)
       This sentence has really stuck with me all quarter. It was one of the first sentences I have read in a long time that made me stop, and reread it several times over. I believe that this statement should be told to every parent everywhere because I think that in general, parents pressure their kids way too much to be perfect spitting mini images of themselves. It is beyond stressful and if I get a complex, I'm blaming my mother.

3.) Laughter not only is the best medicine, it's also the best disguise. (Google?)
       I forget where exactly I heard this sentence and I still can't put a finger on why I like it so much. Laughter has healing powers no doubt, laughter is good for the soul. Fake laughter however, is a great disguise to what you're really feeling inside. Laughter can be extremely deceiving sometimes.

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