Sunday, August 28, 2011


According to this personality test, I am an INTJ.

  • slightly expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
I read the description for INTJ and it was described as being a mastermind and perfectionist. This, clearly, is not me at all. I am far from a mastermind, yeah I'm smart, but my twin brother got more of the mastermind gene. As for perfectionist? Ha. Good joke! My room looks like a tornado or two went through it. So obviously, I am not an INTJ. 

I took the personality test again to see what I would get, and I got ENFJ and once again, I disagree. I didn't disagree quite as much, but slightly. Obviously, I am a mess still trying to find out who the heck I am. But hey, isn't that what college is for?

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